Last day of Tube Radio. Says O. that I have worked on the content quite well, and he is probably right; says Jose that a program like mine is un-swallow-able and he is probably more right.
- activism
- Advertising
- Anti-capitalism
- Apartheid
- Aqraba
- Benefits
- Bi'Lin
- Brighton
- Capitalist system
- Castille
- checkpoints
- Christians
- Christmas
- Church
- Churches
- Co-operatives
- Colnbrook
- Corporations
- Dataveillance
- debris
- demonstration
- detention centres
- Development
- Dissent
- ethnic cleansing
- Freelancing
- Free Software
- G8
- Green Line
- guns
- harassment
- Harmondsworth
- harvest
- Hebron
- History
- home
- Hospital
- Housing
- How-to
- human rig
- human rights
- Immigration
- Indymedia
- Infotainment
- Int'l Finalcial Institutions
- Israel
- Jayyous
- Jerusalem
- Journalism
- Kawawis
- Labour Rights
- land theft
- Literature
- London
- Mainstream Media
- martyr
- McDonalds
- Mexico
- migration
- Nablus
- Nature
- NoBorders
- Nottingham
- occupation
- Offspring
- Palestine
- Parenthood
- Parenting
- Patents
- Police
- Precariousness
- Privatisation
- privilege
- Qalandia
- Radio
- Ramallah
- RampART
- refugees
- religion
- repression
- school
- settlements
- settlers
- sexism
- siege
- Social Centres
- Software
- soldiers
- Spain
- Squatting
- Technology
- tension
- The Guardian
- treaties
- trees
- Unions
- University
- victim
- Violence
- volunteering
- wall
- WB
- Welfare
- Yanoun
- zero hours
Got the feedback of one of my assignments, the article on squatters.I didn’t describe any particular squat and that has played well against my mark.
Audios IMF/WB
Today there was this lecture about international financial institutions in the Institute of Autonomy. So there I went after being, once more, studio manager in Tube Radio.
Another day as a guest in the lunchtime show. There was an unusual jam near Victoria that made the bus journey double in time, so at one point I got to the tube… well, the advertisements were actually different from those I saw last time!
Audios 03
Here are the audios about privatisation of education and other public services in the UK – they call it private finance initiative, public private partnership… but all the interviewees know that it is privatisation.
Tube Radio Auto Advice
I have just finished the program. It has not been bad at all, at least it has been a lot better than last week… you always learn. For now, this is what I can say I should have learnt…:
Music Industry and Politics. I
I very much liked and enjoyed the talk from the lady from the music industry in this Country. From a children’s play:
– I see, I see
– what do you see?
– I see a thing
– And what thing is that?
I can start and never stop. I have to choose yet another theme for my last article for my ‘journalism’ teacher. I had a list of possible subjects, but last Friday I could only remember the G8. He is great in distorting what people say, at least what I tell him – will it be this why he is a ‘good journalist’?
Ben II
Dear Ben goes and says today that my final result on the current assignment will depend on the level of the other people’s articles. To make it even better, I tell the story to the angels of my guard and they answer that it is not that horrible.
We were told on Friday that we should attend something important, a workshop, on Monday.