Tube 08

Tube 08
Websites from where I got the news on Sunday’s show – roughly in order of appearance.

Media Guardian ; Corporate Watch ; Statewatch ; gato encerrado ; Barrapunto ; Indymedia; Amnesty International ; Friends of the Earth ; People and Planet.

Audios used in the show are on Indymedia Radio.

Tube 07

Last day of Tube Radio. Says O. that I have worked on the content quite well, and he is probably right; says Jose that a program like mine is un-swallow-able and he is probably more right.


Another day as a guest in the lunchtime show. There was an unusual jam near Victoria that made the bus journey double in time, so at one point I got to the tube… well, the advertisements were actually different from those I saw last time!

Audios 03

Here are the audios about privatisation of education and other public services in the UK – they call it private finance initiative, public private partnership… but all the interviewees know that it is privatisation.

Indymedia Gathering

The indymedia gathering for G8 was Saturday and Sunday, but I could not go any of those days. However I was able to attend at least the final party.

Tube 05

Well well, the evangelising experience changed radically today. It is very gratifying when you evangelise and people seem receptive. I could even announce this website, No to software patents.

Tube Radio Auto Advice

I have just finished the program. It has not been bad at all, at least it has been a lot better than last week… you always learn. For now, this is what I can say I should have learnt…:

Music Industry and Politics. I

I very much liked and enjoyed the talk from the lady from the music industry in this Country. From a children’s play:

– I see, I see
– what do you see?
– I see a thing
– And what thing is that?


We were told on Friday that we should attend something important, a workshop, on Monday.