Rampart. The squat

rampart graf

Rampart Sign

Every social event or project, has as many versions as people participating in it.

My own personal version of Rampart Social Centre would be that it was born, together with many other squats in 2004, out of the need to house hundreds of attendants to he European Social Forum and adjacent alternatives.

The meetings for the preparation of said forum did acknowledge the need, and the problem of accommodating such a big number of people in the most expensive city in the UK, probably Europe.

But the possibility of housing them in squats was mercilessly laughed at in the ESF meetings.


Got the feedback of one of my assignments, the article on squatters.I didn’t describe any particular squat and that has played well against my mark.


Tomorrow is my second great day, in Tube Radio. But today… (or during this week, who knows) RampART is one year old!!

Past work

Compilation of some of my work…

St. Agnes: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2003/10/279443.html
My canmasdeu: https://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2004/11/302105.html
Can Masdeu Feature: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2004/12/302524.html (not all is mine but the audio files are linked there)

Audios 01

I interviewed an anarchist today, explaining some reasons why not to vote. So far, I have these interviews…

* squatting
* patents (group discussion)
* pfi from teachers (to be completed on Saturday)
* vote/registration on the census – why vote, why not even register in the British census
* wdm – event on that night for fair trade and against free trade as we know it