I interviewed an anarchist today, explaining some reasons why not to vote. So far, I have these interviews…

* squatting
* patents (group discussion)
* pfi from teachers (to be completed on Saturday)
* vote/registration on the census – why vote, why not even register in the British census
* wdm – event on that night for fair trade and against free trade as we know it

(to get a copy of any of these pieces, place a comment and an email address, and what you want it for)

If I get this other interview with some expert about world bank and imf, then I have about 6 themes. I should be able to have 2 themes for each program. I have no idea whether this group discussion with all these politicians is going to be one of my programs. If it is, then I am sorted – I think.

After this interview I went to Rampart. I found two very stressed people there, because the computers were just not responding. I guess the presence of a third person did cheer up the atmosphere. The visitor hardly ever realises, but I bet that every one who has been angry and frustrated because a problem that does not seem to go anywhere, and has received an unexpected visit, has experienced a first sensation of uneasiness, a desire to throw out this intruder who came speaking rather too loud and who is demanding attention. But then there is the feeling of relief, that here is an excuse to have a little break and, later, that the problem at hand is not that important in the end. If you can afford it, you then forget about the task as the conversation advances and the laughs seize the air and, maybe, maybe, this moment of forgetting gives you that bright idea that will solve the problem, or at least open up a brand new line of investigation.

Well, I had the privilege to witness all these steps today, and, as an extra bonus, I was walked to Shoreditch, where I had never been to before, to try some very delicious bagels.