George is my contact on this new NoBorders business. We meet in a bar in zone 2 for a coffee. I thought it weird to have a one to one conversation about volunteering over a coffee, but when I see George he is at a table talking to some five other people. We all introduce each other and then they resume the conversation, which seems to be at the stage of the actual travelling to the detention centre, somewhere in zone 6. (note below)
- activism
- Advertising
- Anti-capitalism
- Apartheid
- Aqraba
- Benefits
- Bi'Lin
- Brighton
- Capitalist system
- Castille
- checkpoints
- Christians
- Christmas
- Church
- Churches
- Co-operatives
- Colnbrook
- Corporations
- Dataveillance
- debris
- demonstration
- detention centres
- Development
- Dissent
- ethnic cleansing
- Freelancing
- Free Software
- G8
- Green Line
- guns
- harassment
- Harmondsworth
- harvest
- Hebron
- History
- home
- Hospital
- Housing
- How-to
- human rig
- human rights
- Immigration
- Indymedia
- Infotainment
- Int'l Finalcial Institutions
- Israel
- Jayyous
- Jerusalem
- Journalism
- Kawawis
- Labour Rights
- land theft
- Literature
- London
- Mainstream Media
- martyr
- McDonalds
- Mexico
- migration
- Nablus
- Nature
- NoBorders
- Nottingham
- occupation
- Offspring
- Palestine
- Parenthood
- Parenting
- Patents
- Police
- Precariousness
- Privatisation
- privilege
- Qalandia
- Radio
- Ramallah
- RampART
- refugees
- religion
- repression
- school
- settlements
- settlers
- sexism
- siege
- Social Centres
- Software
- soldiers
- Spain
- Squatting
- Technology
- tension
- The Guardian
- treaties
- trees
- Unions
- University
- victim
- Violence
- volunteering
- wall
- WB
- Welfare
- Yanoun
- zero hours
Visitors meeting
Palestine Apartheid
I get to an information session on the situation of Palestine and this is what I feel is worth highlighting here: the legal system.
There are three legal systems, completely separated; the civil system, the military system and the Ministry of Interior.