I wake up to find myself on my own, so I just get up and eat some of the food I brought with me as breakfast. I hear the sound of an engine and go to see what it is. Two men, one on foot and another one on a tractor, are spreading seeds on the fields around the village.
- activism
- Advertising
- Anti-capitalism
- Apartheid
- Aqraba
- Benefits
- Bi'Lin
- Brighton
- Capitalist system
- Castille
- checkpoints
- Christians
- Christmas
- Church
- Churches
- Co-operatives
- Colnbrook
- Corporations
- Dataveillance
- debris
- demonstration
- detention centres
- Development
- Dissent
- ethnic cleansing
- Freelancing
- Free Software
- G8
- Green Line
- guns
- harassment
- Harmondsworth
- harvest
- Hebron
- History
- home
- Hospital
- Housing
- How-to
- human rig
- human rights
- Immigration
- Indymedia
- Infotainment
- Int'l Finalcial Institutions
- Israel
- Jayyous
- Jerusalem
- Journalism
- Kawawis
- Labour Rights
- land theft
- Literature
- London
- Mainstream Media
- martyr
- McDonalds
- Mexico
- migration
- Nablus
- Nature
- NoBorders
- Nottingham
- occupation
- Offspring
- Palestine
- Parenthood
- Parenting
- Patents
- Police
- Precariousness
- Privatisation
- privilege
- Qalandia
- Radio
- Ramallah
- RampART
- refugees
- religion
- repression
- school
- settlements
- settlers
- sexism
- siege
- Social Centres
- Software
- soldiers
- Spain
- Squatting
- Technology
- tension
- The Guardian
- treaties
- trees
- Unions
- University
- victim
- Violence
- volunteering
- wall
- WB
- Welfare
- Yanoun
- zero hours
Kawawis III. The journalist
I receive a call saying that E., an Israeli activist who comes here regularly to get information about incidents that need to be reported, will be coming today for a visit. It will be a change I look forward to: I will finally have a conversation in English, after two days of speaking a word at a time and trying to make sense of people’s gestures.
Kawawis II. The visit
Today is a visit day. A lot of grandchildren of H.’s mother come to see her. They had to come walking down the path that the taxi took me from, crossing the road that functions as a wall.
Kawawis I. USAID
At eight in the morning the sun gets through the glassless windows in full swing into the room, where there are only two people now. The couple seem to have got up already; their mattress is no longer there. Their grandson is gone too. I remember then what I read yesterday in the log book, that they go to walk the sheep at about six in the morning.
Hebron – Kawawis
Today is my last day here and as a good bye to the house where we stay I do a “tour” around it. It is a neighbours’ building and the most interesting part of it is the flat roof. The drums containing the water that is supplied to all the block neighbours are kept here.
I get up and have breakfast composed of the food I broI get up and have breakfast composed of the food I brought with me. I hear the sound of an engine and go to see what it is. Two men, one on foot and another one on a tractor, are spreading seeds on the fields around the village.