Another day travelling, but this time it was Brighton. Elizabeth has already returned to Mexico, which was quite disappointing because I thought she would return today. But, her visa has run out, and travelling with a scale in Madrid was cheaper so she had to leave today. So we did the chat with Eleuterio only, with me translating as it is (or feels) the custom already.

I have been in Brighton before, with different matters on each occasion. However, whatever the reason, the the squat on the main road was always an obligued visit. This time, the place was covered with scaffolding.

The new social centre is only a few yards away though. Very neat, and with a lot more light that the previous one. It is usual for squats to be really dark on the ground floor, since all doors and windows are boarded up. As you start climbing upstairs, they get lighter and lighter, to end up looking almost like a normal building.

The new social centre looks like a normal cafe, only with political posters covering the walls. This time I “could” and “did” record the talk. I hope to edit it and have it either broadcast on resonance fm or streamed via rampart or tube… let’s see.