Posts by anatema

G8 & climate

This is what Kevin has been busy with in the last three months, it is in English and I don’t think it will be translated into Spanish too soon, “Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: The G8, Climate Change and Free-Market Environmentalism”

International Widows Day

Today it was said on a program of a normal, commercial tv channel, that social spending is being cut in all countries of the European Union, as a general tendency.

G8 thoughts

I have received this as part of a call to direct action in the context of G8. I am pasting here what has made me think.

Marching is not enough. Go after the real solution to poverty – take control back over our own lives. Wealth is not money in your pocket, but freedom to have power over your own life.

Letter of Marque

This page ( explains it: “patentes de corso” were licenses to murder and pillage that states granted pirates so that they could carry out their activities with impunity under certain conditions that would be beneficial for both.

more christians

Had a meeting with the christians in London. I have now learnt what pray i-58 means (comes from what verse 58 from Isaias’s book says), and it may make sense:

No bike

Some years ago, some one muttered something like “i don’t know what stops young people from using their bikes instead of public transport”. I didn’t know what to answer at the time but I have been thinking in an articulate answer ever since. So here is a list of things that do stop friends of mine from biking:


It seems like the causes of the clashes that I ventured about Christians and “Dissenters” have proven right. It doesn’t look like these people have worked regularly in autonomist/libertarian environments. What I see is that they have approached the dissent network as you would approach any big organisation to which you try to form part, seeing it as a hierarchical structure to which you make demands and/or offers. They/we have also approached it as a group with a certain identity, this identity being one that naturally will not be welcomed by dissent because of the Churches’ History and histories.

More Biking

C. says he sees no difference in the last 5 years or more that he’s been biking to work. But I so si it, and a big one too.


I used my bike today for the first time in a year. I find myself looking at the pavement more than the traffic, it is unconscious but I guess it is because of what caused my accident –

Democracy Models – Chomsky

I got a copy of a lecture that Chomsky gave once. It is not dated. For reasons of copyright and boredom I am not copying the whole thing here