I finally have a mobile! At last I am contactable, and I know what time I am living on without having to ask, and I also have an alarm clock. All in one.
The downside has been not to be able to get a mobile that “Ethical Consumer” considers the best, because the monthly charge was prohibitive. So, mea culpa, I go on with a company that has the call centre in South East Asia, where I am sure people are exploited or nearly… I know it because every time I call them it sounds as if they are far, far away, it gets cut often (although only for a few seconds) and they all have the same accent. When I first started with this company all had Northern English accents – so I presume they had the premises there -, it didn’t get cut and the sound was good. I would have changed but I had to continue with them if I wanted to keep the same number as before and a cheap rate. When I am richer, I will be able to be more ethical. Yes, it sounds horrible but that is how things are. And the same applies to fair trade and organic food, unfortunately.