I can start and never stop. I have to choose yet another theme for my last article for my ‘journalism’ teacher. I had a list of possible subjects, but last Friday I could only remember the G8. He is great in distorting what people say, at least what I tell him – will it be this why he is a ‘good journalist’?
Or will it rather be the reason why he has to teach for a living??? what happened is that he asked me how come that I know so much about the G8, and I told him about World Development Movement and he asked whether they are anarchists – no hang on, he just said “ah, they are anarchists aren’t they?” (do you get information like this? I guess this is how you alienate your sources, and rightly so…) and he then told me to write about WDM and the anarchists groups that vandalise things. Precisely what I am not going to do.
I am seriously beginning to believe that this university is teaching us by example of “what you never, ever, have to do if you wish to be a decent journalist”.
In any way… this is a relation of possible themes to cover:
Housing Co-ops (like mine?)
National IdentityCards (with dataveillance)
Alternatives like Escanda or Steward Community Woodland
FBI’s seizure of Indymedia servers.
* persons’ names have been changed